The hint of warmer days
It was so nice this afternoon to sit out on the front porch and enjoy the warm sunshine and a glass of Hinterland Ale beer with Todd Streicher. Spring is coming my friends!
Read MoreSpectacular sunset
Got out on Lake Mendota last week with some friends. The temps on land were hovering in the upper 90s. But thank the stars above, the breeze over the lake really made things wonderful. All around us that night were thunderstorms of which no rain fell in my gardens…. I’m still glad though, because they made just the most amazing sunset I’ve seen in a while.
Read MoreHot as Hades
Wow, this is one hot month of June. Temps are in the 90s and no chance of rain. It is a tinder box environment and the local authorities are cancelling fireworks all over southern Wisconsin this weekend. Though Madison’s Rhythm and Booms is scheduled for Saturday night. So for now, I’m watering only the flowers and perennials that desperately need water. Thankfully I have mostly seasoned perennials but I did put some new plants in this year. As to the lawn, it’s just a brown field where weeds grow now….. I say the hell with...
Read MoreMay Flowers
Okay technically it’s June, but I took the photos in May. The Spring has been long in Wisconsin this year and the colors are beautiful. Got a good start to the front gardens this spring. The back gardens will just have to tend themselves since we have a deck rebuilding project going on. I am having some fun with containers this year and playing with colors. I bought most of my plants from one of my favorite greenhouses called Kopkes. This Mandevilla is doing well on the front steps. I like its vine like tendrils growing up the sticks. Out in back, the cosmos continue to reseed themselves. They grow in the pebbles which make it very easy dig up and replant. I’ll be moving them to the front yard soon. This is earliest I’ve seen the...
Read MorePan Seared Scallops and Morels- Rylee’s Surf and Turf
Got the email from Steve’s in Madison that New England scallops were coming in on Friday – fresh, never frozen. They always sell out immediately. So I reserved two pounds on Thursday. I think of it as cheaper than buying an airline ticket to Boston…. Yes, I’m a foodie -but it wasn’t always the case, just ask my mom…. So it’s May and we are in the midst of Morel mushroom season in Wisconsin. Morels are the earthiest, darkest and one of the best mushrooms you’ll ever eat. Yet… I’ve never actually liked the way that they are typically served in Wisconsin – cut long like a fish filet, floured with some salt and pepper and fried. Meh…. I was looking for something different to do with...
Read MoreCarrots in April…
What a strange winter and spring we’ve had this year. Everything’s budding and the garden beds are already full of perennials making a strong comeback But the biggest surprise thus far is what is growing in the vegetable garden. Imagine my surprise when I saw baby carrots coming out the ground in the beginning of April. Even more surprising has to be the spinach and arugula that are growing from last year’s stalks. I’ve been gardening for years and have never seen these veggies survive a Wisconsin winter. Here’s hoping we get another mild winter next...
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