On Wisconsin

On Wisconsin

Probably already have used this title before but “On Wisconsin” is so appropriate for today.  Wisconsin citizens turned in over 1 million recall signatures on our current governor.   Then there are the four senators and the lieutenant gov who were also recalled. This is what democracy looks like at my house tonight – dinner was left-overs served smorgasbord style on a Wisconsin-shaped wood board. If you are interested in watching the recall process, check out the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board’s live feed of the recall process of scanning 3 tons of recall petitions. Check...

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Wisconsin is the place to be

Spent several Saturdays marching on the Square in support of Wisconsin Workers.  Above are photos from the various marches – most are mine but the final four – are from my sister, Deb, a newly mad Republican who’s on the warpath for Walker.  Finally something we can both agree upon!!!! As of April 2, Walkers budget bill is stalled by Dane County Judge Marianne Sumi with a temporary Restraining Order in place. It will be weeks to months before it can be implemented.  The legal questions have to do with whether Republican Legislators violated Wisconsin Open Meeting Laws by not posting/notifying the public of a crucial committee meeting on March 9 that enacted the new budget bill – taking away collective bargaining rights of...

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This is what Democracy looks like!

This is what Democracy looks like!

Wow!  I was at the Capitol last weekend and it doesn’t even compare to this weekend.  It was standing room only with citizens coming out to support each other.  If they say 70,000 people last weekend – then this Saturday, there was well over 100,000 people marching. Are you listening to your constituents Governor Walker?

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Why I’m voting for Barack Obama

Why I’m voting for Barack Obama

I’ve been voting in presidential elections since 1984, when as an 18-year college student, I was inspired by the historic nomination of Geraldine Ferraro as the Democratice Vice President nominee. (Mondale was all right…) I saw the dawning of an energized and enlightened country, I saw hope for the young and idealistic – like all those 60s people I had learned about in school. In 1984, I volunteered for the Mondale/Ferraro campaign, I called voters, I knocked on doors, I rallied. But to no avail. Reagan won the election in a landslide and it’s been bushies and clinton ever since. As I “grew up” I became less inspired with each subsequent presidential election. To the point, I just never was excited, connected or committed. I...

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The last Debate

The last Debate

Progressive (and smart) radio personalility Ed Schultz and his Where America Comes to Talk radio show will be in town tonight to record a townhall meeting after the final debate between Obama and that old guy. Todd, Deb and I have tickets and will be leaving shortly to get a good seat for the debate and radio show. Listen to Ed’s show and maybe you’ll hear us dissecting the latest debate on national...

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Vote Early and vote often….

Vote Early and vote often….

Okay, not the often part. A group of us headed over to the City Clerk’s office yesterday to cast our vote for the presidential election. In Wisconsin you can place an absentee vote almost up to election day. And it was easy! Since I’m already a registered voter, it took only a matter of seconds to get my ballot, mark my candidate, seal the envelope and watch it placed in the big metal voter box. Easy Peasy! What was heartening, was the line we saw at the City building. There was a steady stream of like-minded voters casting their votes early. If you want to avoid election day lines – as they are predicting record turn outs, head to your city clerks office today! There are different rules for voter registration in every state (and city) but...

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