My beloved tennis shoes

My beloved tennis shoes

  If you are of a certain age, you’ll remember the coolest shoe wasn’t Nikes but Tretorns.  The iconic shoes of my youth were tennis whites with a blue slash.  Today they come in lots of fun new colors like the red pair I’m sporting.  They are comfy and I can walk for miles in them.

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Being Creative

Being Creative

A great weekend so far – the guys are off to the U.P., deer hunting. Raine and I get to work on watercolors. They are not necessarily anything to write home about, but boy, I can say, I really enjoy it. Awesome hanging out with Raine and making art. Totally creative, inventive and...

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Sending Teiko lots of Love!

Sending Teiko lots of Love!

I’m asking everyone to LOVE on Teiko, my beloved dog child, for his surgery tomorrow.  He’s having a  small mass removed from his left back leg.   I love this best dog ever!  I, his Mama will be taking care of him.  He will have steak and shrimp from now on…. 

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Something to think about

People smarter than I need to study this…..I heard a story on NPR a couple of summers ago about Mel Blanc being brought out of a coma by people talking to him in Bugs Bunny’s voice. Today I read an article about a family who have been able to communicate with their son using his beloved Disney characters. There is something here about the way we as humans respond to archetypes, repetition and the need to connect.  Interesting…. Both stories are great reads – Here’s the Mel Blanc article – and here’s the Disney article –

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A new year

A new year

  I’m hoping this sun brings you warmth from a cold Wisconsin night.  They’re calling for -30 by morning.   It’s been a record cold winter this year but it isn’t bothering me like so many winters have.  I got a new pair of Sorels and a down coat for Christmas so I’m jamming the warms this time. This sculpture Todd and I brought to commemorate our 28th year together this January.   It’s incredibly wonderful to share your life with someone,  to build a life better together than one could have possibly built alone. January is a big month for me.  I actually celebrated my birthday this year and I’m glad I did.  I had such great friends and family come down to Dexters for a little b-day cheer.  Here’s...

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Who am I

Who am I

So I jumped in and took the challenge of the FB question du jour…Thought I had better put the down here for posterity… All right…I’ll play this game of 12… Elizabeth 1. I don’t like to be the center of attention 2. I’m an only child and it shows…I forget to talk to people 3. I am amazed everyday and Love the awesomeness of Ryann and Raine Some days, it brings me to tears how much. 4. Some days I love Teiko just as much because he’s right by my side. 5. I hitchhiked across the entire country and it SO taught me people are good 6. I have an extra interior finger bone in my left hand and a double jointed left thumb. I’m also left handed and sometimes my hand hurts like the devil. 7. In an alternate...

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