Safari time

Safari time

Well not for me…I don’t get to go that far away.  However, Ryann, is on a two month trip to Kenya and Tanzania to pursue her goal of visiting Africa.  She is spending today on the Serengeti to take a safari with a good friend.  I can’t wait to hear how amazing it is.  She left about two weeks ago with a full backpack.  So far she has met lots of other travelers and is having a fantastic time.  I’m so proud of her making this solo trip!

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That’s all right Mama!

Glad my parents got together back in the 60s so that I can be here today!  Here’s a little thanks to them! Update: 4/8/12 – well this sucks.  The video/music is no longer available. I’m just going to kill the link. Update 5/3/12 – Let’s try this…

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A walk on Christmas

A walk on Christmas

 Christmas day this year was a gift in itself.  The sky was mostly sunny but more importantly the temps were in the mid 40s which in a Wisconsin December is saying something….  And the added bonus is that Lake Mendota has not frozen over yet.   Todd and I took the pups for a hike around Governor’s Island on the northshore of the lake.  Teiko saw the open water and looked for a stick immediately.  The water is pretty frigid – but heck, he’s never been able to swim this late into winter.   Here he comes in from the water.  I could tell after a couple of fetches that the cold water had numbed his hips.  Not sure if that was a good thing or not – but we continued on our hike.  Because...

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Angie’s Clouds

Angie’s Clouds

The sky gave us something beautiful after attending the funeral of Todd’s cousin Angie on Saturday.  Todd calls this picture “Angie’s Clouds”   The undulating waves of clouds were something one doesn’t t see every day.   We followed them all the way  home from Portage.   Rest in peace sweet...

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The life of Raine

The life of Raine

Raine is now in her second year of culinary studies at Madison College.  Along with going to school full time she is a line cook at Madison’s venerable Tornado Steak House where she works full time as well.   Looks like the photos were taken on Fish Filet 101 day as the first photo shows Raine  rolling a piece of fish skin.  In the above photo I can’t tell if the fish had been filleted or not.    When you ask Raine “What’s up?” Her response is always the same, “School. Work. Sleep. Friends”  I don’t get to see her much.  So I really appreciate the photos taken by her friend Katrina  who captures some amazing details in the day of this chef in training. In...

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Post 400 and the last rose of summer

Post 400 and the last rose of summer

Holy cow, I’ve been doing this little blog since May 2007 and this is my 400th post.  I started blogging to simply write about things that amused, amazed and sometimes even frustrated me.   When I look back over the years, I find it’s a rich reference of my life’s plotting.  I refer to often for the first garden blooms and the last, how Beatons is progressing and how the girls have grown. A nice history source, perhaps for some future geneaologist (once I export the files and put on a server in my datacenter…..for posterity) Anyway….began cleaning the garden beds last weekend and put the roses to bed for the winter.  This beauty was one of two roses still in full bloom. And the smell is just divine.  The...

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