Cita Bear
Cita 8/15/99 – 10/8/14 15 years ago we were living in the Netherlands when Raine and I first met Cita on a little farm in Belgium, not far from where we lived. It was love at first sight. Cita was a black little ball of fur that immediately could stand up to Raine and the rest of us. She was spunky an d definitely had a mind of her own. During the next couple of years, Cita traveled Europe with us as we went to Belgium Breweries, German Christmas Markets, French sand dunes and Spanish campsites with our family and friends. Since 2001, she loved and guarded her family in Madison. Truly, she, a 20 lb dog of fury taught me quickly to disconnect the front doorbell since it caused her to go into fits if some stranger decided they needed to come into our...
Read MoreSending Teiko lots of Love!
I’m asking everyone to LOVE on Teiko, my beloved dog child, for his surgery tomorrow. He’s having a small mass removed from his left back leg. I love this best dog ever! I, his Mama will be taking care of him. He will have steak and shrimp from now on….
Read MoreIs a German Shepherd right for me?
Today, I received an email from a young man. He was just told by his vet that his beloved black lab of 12 years has cancer and has about one month to live. Through his grief, he knows that he’ll want another dog companion, so hence his email asking about German Shepherd Dogs and if they are a good dog to have. I’m sending this letter out to the universe because he typed the wrong email address in the contact form of the website and when I replied to his email it bounced back. I hope he tries to make contact again. In the meantime, here’s what I wrote… Hi Jacob, My condolences for your beautiful black lab. One of the toughest things we have to do is let a friend go when it is time. You will know. I’m not really sure...
Read MoreBattle with the Geese
Went for a nice walk in the ‘hood along the Yahara this morning. Of course, this time of year the geese are here in droves and protecting their nesting areas. Teiko, who is already Mr. Protective, of his toy would not go in the water. And would NOT give me his frisbee. Usually the guy is good for a few throws of his beloved frisbee known as the “Squirrel” and loves to swim out 30 feet or so. But today with the flock of geese following us the entire length of our walk along the water, honking and otherwise shadowing Mr. Swimmer, he decided that it wasn’t worth losing his favorite toy or be beaten up by a bunch of birds. Probably a smart...
Read MoreNational (maybe even) Universal Puppy Day
I know this is not a “puppy” picture. But these are my pups and the best picture I could find of the both of them since they are five years apart and today is National Puppy Day. To the left is Teiko, of world championship GSD bloodlines and grandson of the 1997 World Seiger (Lasso vom Neuenber) and the 1999 World Seiger (Rikkor von Bad-Boll ..) He is also the most loving, devilishly smart and devoted dog we will ever know…. And to the right….our wonderful cat-dog, Cita, a noble poodle mix of Belgium origin, circa 1999 and a savvy world traveler. I would be so bold as to suggest an International Puppy day. So give your pups a big hug and kiss wherever they come from….and an extra meaty treat...
Read MoreSuch a good boy
Always the gentleman. My Teiko is such a good boy. He always lets the Poodle have the sweet spot on the doggie bed. That is a GOOD German Shepherd!
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