A Beatons Update

A Beatons Update

The summer went fast this year.  Fortunately, we were able to accomplish quite a bit at EndPoint. To start, we restained the outside of the saunahaus.  I love the new colors. We then focused on floors.  Both inside and the foundation floor for the main house. The main house foundation was quite the operation with five cement trucks that delivered thousands and thousands of pounds of concrete.   Todd and I then stained the floor.  Here’s a photo of the staining process. Then we laid a beautiful slate like tile on the saunhaus floor.  It turned out beautifully.   There are tons of more photos – but I’m too lazy to upload them all.  Find me on Facebook, there are more photos...

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A sense of accomplishment

A sense of accomplishment

The vision started back a few years ago at Beatons.  We fell in love with the lake when we were in our 20s.  We bought the lot in our mid 30s right before we we moved to Holland for a few years.  Once we came back home, we started going to our place in the northwoods often just to camp, hang out at the property and to dream about building something.  In 2008 we began to build a timber post and beam structure by hand. Today we are doing the finishing touches on the first building of our Northwoods place of paradise.  The building you see above is called the SaunaHaus.  It is our little baby and boy do we love it.  It’s 16ft x 24ft with a loft.  It’s just right for two people to stay in.  But better yet, it holds lots of people coming for a...

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A moment in time

A moment in time

One of the things I’ve learned as I’ve become older and it relates to photography is that take the shot when you first see it.  Use whatever camera you have.  You might not ever be in the same place again.  Case in point;   I’ve always loved this particular tree at Beatons.  It’s an old decrepit birch tree and it has such character.  I love how Bonnie re-purposed a cowboy boot into a bird house as well as the license plate covered one. The inevitable happened this past fall.  The tree had seen its last summer and was cut down. I’m really glad I have this memory because I took the moment to frame the shot...

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Up North again….

Up North again….

Spent last week at Beatons.  The weather was typical U.P., warm and sunny one day and cold/rainy the next.  We got pretty far in finishing the actual sauna room in the Saunahaus. And hope to christen it on Labor Day weekend. During the week I made sure I made plenty of time to hone my skill at angry birds and showering ‘gaters, while Todd continued to chip away at the 1000 and one things to accomplish during the few days we get at Beatons.  If this was his blog, he’d probably have a whole list of accomplishments – but suffice it to say he finished the plumbing for the shower, hauled tons ‘o’  crap to the transfer station- including a boat, cleaned the grounds a bunch, and added a showerhead over the sauna stove to directly blast...

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Beatons August 2011

Beatons August 2011

Agreed.  Not much has happened at Beatons this summer.  Todd and I decided to focus on Madison projects as well as taking a bit of a break from work, family and life.  However, we did head up this weekend for the annual Beatons Lake Riparian Association Meeting.  To make a long story short, we should have set out on Thursday night, but didn’t leave Mad-Town until 10am on Friday….  So,  We packed three people and two dogs in a station wagon with a few inches to spare.  Good sport, Ryann, held the back seat with the pups. On Saturday, I stained Cedar wood shingles for a little bit, but the bigger part of the day was spent at the annual picnic of lake property owners – known as the Beatons...

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Final push at Beatons

Final push at Beatons

Amazing what  a bunch of people can build over two years.  In August of 2008, we started building the Sauna Haus with just Todd, my dad and I putting the foundation posts and beams into place by hand.  Many weekends later, we have a closed-in building. Yay! The first weekend of October, with another work crew consisting of Todd, Eric, Paul, Peter and me, we completed the cedar siding.  All that is left on the outside is the cedar shake in the gables.   Here’s a good photos of the Streicher boys nailing in the cedar siding.  This summer we also got the windows installed, rock wall completed, the well dug, water to the building, insulated inside.  With the sauna stove installed and the firewood cut, we can actually...

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