Cita Bear
15 years ago we were living in the Netherlands when Raine and I first met Cita on a little farm in Belgium, not far from where we lived. It was love at first sight. Cita was a black little ball of fur that immediately could stand up to Raine and the rest of us. She was spunky an
d definitely had a mind of her own.
During the next couple of years, Cita traveled Europe with us as we went to Belgium Breweries, German Christmas Markets, French sand dunes and Spanish campsites with our family and friends.
Since 2001, she loved and guarded her family in Madison. Truly, she, a 20 lb dog of fury taught me quickly to disconnect the front doorbell since it caused her to go into fits if some stranger decided they needed to come into our home.
Cita helped Todd and I raise two amazing daughters. She saw them through their triumphs and travails. She was always the pup that the girls would snuggle with and be happy to see. In the past 9 years as the girls left the nest, Cita became my constant companion. She followed me everywhere and asked nothing more than to be by my side.
As with most dogs that I know, Cita loved the Northwoods and was so happy to be at Beatons Lake. She would become a pup again running all around and rolling in the pine needles and leaves. That is how I’ll always remember my Beart’je.
Over the past week,I was given a beautiful opportunity to say goodbye to my friend. We had some wonderful moments. We watch the Packers beat the Vikings. We snuggled together in bed at night, we spent lots of time with loved ones retelling the tales of Cita. She could eat whatever she wanted this last week with mint ice cream being her favorite right up until the end.
Today, just like in the beginning with Cita, it was Raine and me to say one last good-bye. She left us calmly, peacefully and in no more pain. She knew love until her last breath. Thank you for being my good friend, Cita.