Family Recipes

Raine and I helped my mom today.  We did a deep clean of the living room in preparation for the painter to come this weekend to give the walls a fresh coat.  One of the treasures I came across while cleaning out an end table was one of my Grandma Wedekind’s recipe boxes that my mom had been given.  Grandma liked to snip and collect recipes from magazines as well as write down some of her favorites.  Grandma was an amazing cook and I will always long for some of her great home cooking.   Here she is as a young woman, beautiful.


Almost immediately upon finding the old-fashioned recipe box, Raine and I wanted to stop what we were doing and start to read the recipes.   We held ourselves back for another hour.  Then I dove in.  What a memory-laden treasure drove.

The recipe below is the warm German potato salad I remember from childhood.  I loved this dish and will be making it very soon.  It was like being reunited with a long-lost friend.  And I immediately recognized my Grandma’s very nice penmanship.  I wonder if future grand-kids of mine will feel the same nostalgia when finding one of my recipes on this blog?  I doubt it.  Note to self, write a few things down, even with my rotten handwriting.

recipe_gwedekind_hot_german_potato_saladThe next recipe I found in my dad’s mom’s recipe box, is another favorite memory of my youth.  This recipe was from my Grama Boo, my mom’s mom.  My grandparents became friends and spent time together here in Wisconsin as well as in the South during winter months.




Oh my,  I remember waking up at Grama Boo’s smelling this wonderful aroma of butterscotch and pecans wafting throughout the house.   I’ll definitely be making this recipe soon.  Probably this weekend when I go up north!

What a wonderful surprise today, helping my mom clean her house.  I was treated to a wonderful trip down memory lane and felt such a close connection to my wonderful grandmothers again.

Life can be so full of such wonderful reminders of the goodness if you are willing to see.


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