‘Ainy Stecher

Wow… 21 years ago today, I met for the first time, one of the most amazing people who ever came into my life.  She was born on her own terms after scaring the bejeezus out of me, her mother, for almost 5 months before her arrival into this beautiful world.  There were so many times I made promises to the universe to just make sure that she was safe and healthy and be able to come into my arms for all the love we could give her.


Raine Ellenjea Wedekind Streicher came screaming into this world at 2:35 pm strong, healthy and kinda pissed that she had to leave the warm cocoon I had provided for 9 1/2 months.  I knew immediately I had a beautiful albeit  very demanding baby who would only want to be with her mama.  Everyone who knew Raine in the beginning can tell a story of this child’s first few months of her not allowing anyone to hold her but her mama and if absolutely necessary,  her big sister, Ryann.


To this day, this child keeps me on my toes and demands that I be the best Mama I can be.  I love this awesome child of mine to the moon and back one thousand times!


To my darling Raine on your 21st birthday, I wish you wisdom, adventure, goodwill and joy in your life as you have brought it to me!

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