Seattle was a treat

Spent last weekend in Seattle with our good friends Scott and Terri who live just north of the city.  Our good friends Mary Kay and Paul also came – so we had a full house and a great time!  Just have to say, if I had to live somewhere else, Seattle would be high on the list.  Ocean, mountains and a great temperate growing climate for flowers.

We spent our first day, up at 5am to beat the tides and head out into Puget Sound at 6am.  It was stunningly beautiful that day.  Blue skies and amazing views.

We dropped five crap pots into the Sound while we wandered all around the islands.  The salmon had started running and we were going to fish for Lumpies and Chinooks.  Fishing didn’t turn out too well – we only caught two – but the crab pots (loaded with salmon guts and chicken wings) got us 13 crabs for dinner.

I also got to check off “See Orca whales in the Puget Sound” from my bucket list.  The Orcas were stunning and we saw about 15 of them following the salmon.

We played tourists all weekend with our friends and visited Port Townsend, downtown Seattle and a great sunny day at Lake Baker at the foot of Mt. Baker.

We’ll definitely be back!  Here’s some more photos from our trip –

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